Mr. Obydullah Al Marjuk
Globalization and Social Institutions

Technology is generally thought to have developed the quality of our social and economic life.

However, in reality, society and economy rarely evolve in harmony with technological development.

The previous technology served whereas the technology today governs (Delanty, 2003)

The rapid increase of technology initiates new divisions, both economic and social. (Sinikka Sassi, 2005)

Some argues, excessive use of technology reflects the existing divisions in the society instead of creating new ones. (Lash 2002, Castells 2002)

Studies reveal the intensity of this new division varies in terms of place (core and periphery) (Sinikka 2005, Bauman 1998)

The conception of this new division accentuates until this recent wave of technology use. (Internet World Stats 2012, Marjuk 2013)

However, little attention has been paid how the people of a country like Bangladesh adapts technology and how they respond toward digital divide. Current project is an attempt to this general account of technology use and digital divide.